14 Uber Lyrics Recorded by Rappers and Singers
Rappers recording Uber lyrics is increasing at a rapid pace. Mainstream R&B artist like Chris Brown are also in on the deal. The lyrical recordings are fun and catchy too. As an Uber driver I have actually heard all of these lyrics on XM radio while driving.

Some of the Uber lyrics get commercial play, but many are from artist that only get played in the streets.
To hear the street rappers you have to tune in to XM44 Hip Hop Nation or Shade 45. They just don’t get a lot of syndicated radio love
The influence hip hop has on rideshare riders and drivers is crazy. Throw in rappers like Drake, Wiz Khalifa or Rick Ross and it’s a recipe for success. I don’t think anyone is getting a check, but it’s not stopping artist from name-dropping. I guess the popular vote still counts on the back-end.
Let’s take a look at the songs pushing Uber drivers.
Hot Uber Lyrics from Popular Music Artist
Make sure you share this post with people you know that are Uber drivers. As a matter of fact, the next time you request an Uber ask to hear one of these songs…lol.
1. “Uber Everywhere”
Artist: Madeintyo
Lyric: “Look, Uber everywhere, pre-rolls in the VIP
Yeah, Uber everywhere, pre-rolls in my VIP”

- Published in Uber