Uber car crashes will happen regardless of how good drivers are on the road.
There are over 50,000 new drivers added to the Uber platform every month. With that amount of personal drivers on the road there is a greater risk for accidents.
Even though riding in Uber cars is safe majority of the time, you cannot avoid numbers. The shear amount of rideshare vehicles hitting the road for money is staggering. Statistically you will have a greater amount of Uber car crashes.
As an Uber driver here in the city of Atlanta, I can tell you that I’m extra careful when I ride. Even so, it’s been a time or two where traffic has swelled and almost caused me to be in an accident. I have been lucky. However, there has been some horrible accidents from other Uber drivers worldwide.
I no longer drive during rush hours in Atlanta, 7-10am and 5-7pm are off the grid for me. I make a ton of money driving weekly in the ATL, but I have a set of rules I follow to Uber car crashes.
- Keep your eyes on the road at all times
- Don’t tailgate cars in traffic keep a 1 car distance.
- Avoid driving in rush hour traffic.
- Never hold your cellphone. Get a great cellphone holder.
- Inspect brakes once a month.
- Make sure windshield wipers are good.
- Inspect headlights and taillights daily.
- Never try to run a yellow light.
- Pay great attention to 4 way intersections.
- NEVER speed.
- NEVER backup in the road.
- Don’t try to cross two lanes on the highway fast.
- Don’t drink and drive (You would be surprised)
That’s a couple of things I keep in mind while out earning extra cash. Here are a couple of pics of people who cold have used this advice. Even with this information, some were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Terrible Uber Car Crashes